
Powder House has worked with many Company Ski Groups that visit South Lake Tahoe. We can provide a special promo code for your Company Ski Group that each member can use in our online reservations system; this way the club members can enter in their personal information and choose the skis or snowboard that they would like. We can put together an invoice for one single payment if needed as well. The Powder House is very experienced and familiar with Corporate Groups and we provide great group benefits. Depending on your group size, you can save anywhere from 25% – 35% by booking a Group in Advance with Powder House.
If Your Group can:Submit a Complete Group List at least 1 Week in Advance.
Coordinate an Equipment Pick-Up and Drop-Off Time for your Entire Party.
The Powder House will:
Guarantee Discounts off our already competitively priced Rental Equipment. (This includes every 4th Day of Consecutive Rental FREE!)
Provide a 10% Discount on Merchandise (Non-Sale Items Only) for All Group Members.
Provide Extra Staff to Specially Assist your Group with Equipment Pick-Up and Drop-Off.
To receive more information or to reserve your club, please call Ted at 1-800-619-7470 or fill out the form below.
[contact-form-7 id=”1684″ title=”Group Form 2″]